What is Cybersecurity: Everything You Need to Know

CybersecurityWith 2022 around the corner, new developments are expected in cybersecurity. These can significantly impact businesses in the new year and the rest of the decade. However, these have become a necessity, especially as over websites are being hacked daily globally.

What is Cybersecurity?

The term cybersecurity refers to the practice of leveraging technologies and IT practices to secure the organizations’ online data as well as its computers, devices, networks, and programs. It ensures the safety of critical systems and sensitive information from digital attacks.

Cybersecurity comprises layers of protection that defend organizations against different attacks. To be more specific, the layers include countermeasures that address the following cybersecurity domains:

  • Network Security – Security measures taken for securing a computer network from trespassers (includes both wired and wireless connections)
  • Application Security – Procedures that help secure the applications operating on-premises and in the cloud
  • Storage Security – Data resilience safeguards that cover encryption and data copies, and support quick restoration to support recovery while minimizing the impact of a cyber attack
  • Cloud Security – Encryption of cloud data at rest, in motion, and in use to support customer privacy, business requirements, and regulatory compliance
  • Information Security – Data protection measures for securing sensitive data from unauthorized access or breach (e.g. the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR)
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity – Tools and procedures for responding to unplanned events like natural disasters or cybersecurity incidents, and ensuring minimal disruption to key operations
  • End-User Education – Security awareness programs to improve endpoint security and counter the human factor in cybersecurity threats

Types of Cybersecurity Threats

There are various types of cyber security threats that can negatively impact an organization without effective countermeasures. Here are five of the threats you need to be able to prevent.


Malware is software that’s designed to compromise IT systems and the data within them. Some examples of malware include viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, and adware.


Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts data on infected systems and prevents data owners from accessing it unless a ransom amount is paid. As cyber-currencies are yet to be properly regulated, ransoms are usually requested in BitCoin and similar currencies.


A form of social engineering, phishing targets individuals to steal their confidential information. It uses emails and messages that contain malicious links which trick victims into sharing financial details and other important information.

Man in the Middle Attacks

A man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is a threat where malicious attackers position themselves between a user and an application. That way, they can eavesdrop or impersonate one of the parties to steal personal information such as login credentials, account details, and credit card numbers.

Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks

A denial-of-service attack refers to a cybersecurity attack where a legitimate user is unable to access information system, devices, or other network resources. This is the result of an attacker making the resource unavailable by sending more traffic than it can handle and resulting in it crashing or failing.

Career Opportunities in Cybersecurity

With the increasing number of cybersecurity attacks every day, organizations are constantly looking for qualified in-house cyber security experts to secure their businesses.

This is a great opportunity for you if you’re interested in a cybersecurity career. Especially as the unemployment rate in this field is 0%.

Here are the top roles that are in high demand for the upcoming year and possibly beyond.

Some of the most common cyber security jobs roles include:

  • Cybersecurity Consultants – Professionals in this role are responsible for the security of their clients’ online data. They also play the role of both the attacker and defender to ensure maximum cyber security.
  • Cybersecurity Analysts – Cybersecurity analysts plan contingency plans that allow organizations to ensure comprehensive defense against any online cybersecurity attack.
  • Cybersecurity Administrators – As a cybersecurity administrator, you’ll be in charge of properly installing, administrating, maintaining, and troubleshooting computer networks and data security systems.
  • Security Auditors – Auditors are entrusted with providing an independent review of security controls and information systems. Their insight helps ensure maximum protection from cyberattacks.
  • Vulnerability Analyst – A vulnerability analyst is in charge of vulnerability assessments and penetration tests to minimize the risk of successful cyberattacks.
  • Cybersecurity Technician – If you choose this as your next career, you’ll be responsible for planning, overseeing, and regularly updating the security of computers and networks at your organization.

Let Us Help You Secure a Great Cybersecurity Career

With a cybersecurity certification, you can begin building a secure career in this field. For example, you can opt for the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®) credential to prove your ability to design, implement and manage a cybersecurity program.

Not sure what to go for? Our Training Advisors are more than glad to help. So, get in touch with us to help with your career.




About the Author

Fariha Fawad is the Digital Marketing Specialist at LearningCert. She is passionate of putting her thoughts into words. Her interest in research and writing keeps the audience up to date with the valuable information. Find her on LinkedIn.

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