“Am I Choosing the Right Certifications Online?”

Certification OnlineGetting a job is one thing; but getting the perfect job where you’ll thrive requires that you possess skills and capabilities that make you stand out. And nothing proves your skills and knowledge as effectively as a certification. Question is – which of the certifications online should you be choosing?

With hundreds of options available, it’s easy to get confused. Especially since some certifications like DevOps are offered by different organizations.

So, if you’re planning to make 2021 a milestone for a new certification, here are five important tips to help you make the right choice.

Tip 1 – Narrow Down the Areas You’d like to Focus on in the Future

Is your goal from getting certified a salary boost, or do you wish to level up in your profession? You need concrete answers before enrolling in online certification programs.

Your future choices are based on your interests in the present. So, before deciding which certification program works best for you, you should analyze your skillsets.

For example, if your goal and interests are related to project management, you’ll probably choose PRINCE2 or PMP (Project Management Professional) since they’re the top two.

Similarly, if you’re an IT professional who wishes to best understand cybersecurity, you should look into courses such as CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional).

Tip 2 – Seek Advice from Credential Holders

While skimming through certification courses, you can find out a lot about their details. However, no one will tell you about certification as effectively as a certified professional.

You can ask them about their experience getting certified. Especially inquire about the benefits they have received and any tips they may have for you.

Wondering where you can connect with certified experts? One of the easiest ways is using your LinkedIn network. Simply search and politely introduce yourself and include your questions in your InMail. You can also use forums and platforms like Redditt to connect with certification holders.

Tip 3 – Take Your Employer’s Feedback While Searching for Certifications Online

If you’re planning for a certification to advance your career, your employer can help. You can find out directly from them which certifications they recommend for your role.

If you’re between jobs or planning a switch soon, you can connect with and ask employees at your future company. They’ll guide you on which credentials can boost your resume and ensure a lucrative career.

On the other hand, if you’re just browsing, you can check for certifications related to your industry that may impress recruiters. There are many articles you can read for guidance. Or you can check our career guides in our Blogs for more insights.

Tip 4 – Find out About a Certification’s Roadmap

Every certification has a different roadmap. For instance, for ITIL 4, you must achieve the ITIL 4 Foundation certification first. Only then can you move on towards the more advanced ITIL Managing Professional (MP), ITIL Strategic Leader (SL), and ITIL Master certifications.

In addition to helping you choose the right certification programs, knowing the roadmap allows you to plan your pace. In the case of ITIL, for instance, you’ll need a few months until you can achieve the SL and MP certifications.

Another reason for following this tip is to gain the necessary experience for some certifications. For instance, you won’t be eligible for ITIL Master without the ITIL Expert certificate and at least five years of experience in a leading role in IT service management.

Tip 5 – Weigh in the Cost of the Certification vs its Value

The cost of certifications can be an important determinant for professionals. However, you need to weigh the value of the credential rather than focus on its price tag.

Certifications are an investment in your career that will produce ROI in the form of higher salaries and better roles. Therefore, you need to plan for the long run to get the best value.

If cost is a concern, there are several ways to reduce it. For example, you can choose solo/ self-paced online certification programs rather than instructor-led courses. At LearningCert, we offer these with tempting perks such as a free exam retake and free lifetime access.

Need More Help Selecting Certifications Online?

If you’re still confused, our Training Advisors are more than ready to help. Simply contact us and we’ll recommend the best credentials and their certification courses.

About the Author

Ayesha Saleem is the Senior Specialist Content Development Person at LearningCert. Interested in travel and blogging, she's passionate about everything related to eLearning and IT Trends. Find her on LinkedIn

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