Top 7 Skills You Need to Succeed in 2021

The unprecedented changes to how and where people work in 2020 was an eye-opener. It highlighted the gap between the skills people have and those organizations actually need to meet today’s digital world challenges.

That’s why upskilling is essential for professionals and organizations alike.

Why Upskilling is an Urgent Need

Upskilling adds resilience and improves the capability of employees. That way, fewer people will be left behind or unemployed. Meanwhile, organizations will thrive with higher productivity, innovation, and growth.

But what makes it an urgent requirement?

Recovering from huge economic and health loss has been a challenge post-COVID-19. Several businesses have closed down, whereas employees struggled to cope with modern ways of work.

For a business, upskilling is less expensive than hiring a new resource. Moreover, it helps enhance the trust and confidence employees have in their employers. As a result, they’ll put their all in helping them recover from the current crisis.

Moreover, updating the technological skills of employees can secure their careers and organizations’ future. That’s because they learn tactics and skills which allow them to remain competitive.

7 Skills You’ll Need for 2021

Now that we have your attention, let’s talk about what skills you need to possess by the upcoming year.

In addition to your academic qualifications and certifications, here are 7 skills you should learn right away.

1. Adaptability:

In the current uncertain scenario, the only factor which can secure your employment is a flexible attitude towards new working environments. Especially as switching to digital platforms to accomplish regular tasks is a work requirement that may be a potential obstacle for many.

By staying open to emerging realities, you can maintain your productivity and performance for sure.

2. Teamwork

Collaboration is essential for today’s workforce. It ensures your goals and objectives are aligned with those of your team members and the organization. As a result, you can achieve targets on time.

By developing your teamwork skills, you can further contribute to creative problem-solving and effective decisions and plans. Not only will this help unify the workforce, but your earning potential will also increase.

3. Communication

Communication is the most in-demand skill today. This is because it enables professionals to send and receive messages to one another while ensuring high levels of motivation and low levels of frustration.

Good communication skills further allow you to effectively convey suggestions, ideas, and more to win projects. This, in turn, will open more doors for you over the span of your career.

4. Quick Learning

In a fast-paced work environment, slow learners at work can easily be replaced. Especially if they fail to catch up quickly with technological changes.

For this skill, you need to embrace a flexible attitude and be open to new ideas. These two are also essential skills which you should develop to stand out in your organization and the job market.

5. Emotional Intelligence

Also known as emotional quotient (EQ), this ability helps you understand and use your emotions to relieve stress, communicate better with others, and defuse conflict.

If you’re in a client-facing position, this skill will enable you to better handle negotiations and other aspects of customer relationships.

Moreover, you’ll be more receptive to feedback. This will help you improve your skills, and ultimately, add to your confidence about your abilities.

6. Critical Thinking

To be able to assess problematic situations and coming up with the best possible solutions is highly significant.

Unlike impulsive decision-makers, critical thinkers have the ability to analyze different angles of any complex issue. It results in great assistance for decision making of the management.

7. Time Management

Regardless of your work environment, time management is always a key to success. But this skill is now more in demand than ever.

Remote work often causes delays in the completion of tasks. After all, employees may have a lot of things going on around them at home.

With effective time management, employees can better manage their workload to accomplish the targets within set deadlines.

Upskilling Tips to Help You Get There

By 2025, more than 70% of employers are going to invest in upskilling and reskilling their employees rather than hiring someone.

But why wait? It’s better to upgrade your portfolio with in-demand expertise to become a valuable resource today and scale up the corporate ladder tomorrow.

Here are three tips to help you upskill and achieve the career goals you’ve set for yourself.

1. Set Upskilling Goals

Assuming you’re so qualified that you don’t need to learn new skills isn’t the right mindset for 2021 or any other year.

Even if you’re a professional or an expert in your field, you should always look forward to further building your expertise.

Figure out what excites you about your career and identify the steps you should take to make it thrive. This may require added clarity into your interests and expertise.

2. Expand your Network

The right advice from a professional can help you succeed. Besides, being on good terms with business leaders will help you to take the right step in your career.

So, create connections with experienced individuals. Not only can they come up with great advice, but they’ll also offer ample support as you make your way to the top.

3. Explore Opportunities at Work

As part of the workforce, you should anticipate how your job may change in the coming years and plan accordingly.

Also, make sure to share your upskilling plans with your superiors. Many organizations offer financial assistance and flexibility to their employees as they train and add new skills.

If you’re not associated with an organization, you can do some research to determine which skills you can improve.

Let’s Help You Get There

One way of upskilling is to become certified. A certification can vouch for your knowledge and skills, open up more opportunities, and transform you into a valuable asset in your company.

LearningCert offers a range of courses that empower both individuals and organizations through accredited courseware offered in three training formats.

Whether you wish to train alone or with your colleagues, we’ll help you achieve your training and career goals.

About the Author

Ayesha Saleem is the Senior Specialist Content Development Person at LearningCert. Interested in travel and blogging, she's passionate about everything related to eLearning and IT Trends. Find her on LinkedIn

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