Top eLearning Trends for 2021 and Beyond

eLearning Trends

eLearning is here to stay, especially as it has become an important part of learning and development (L&D) in the past year.

For the eLearning industry, this means a significant growth beyond expectations. In 2020 alone, Global Market Insights reports the market to be worth over $250 billion. This growth will continue, with the market research firm expecting a CAGR of 21% between 2021 and 2027.

If you’re a member of this thriving industry, here are eight trends you need to consider for the coming years.


Microlearning is the new norm. It entails relatively short learning materials and activities that aim to enhance your learning experience. As a result, Microlearning fulfills the needs of the reader by offering them small chunks of highly valuable information.

What makes microlearning a popular trend is that it requires people minimal time to learn something new and valuable. With most people’s busy schedules and the ongoing work from home situation, this trend is a hit with working professionals.

Mobile Learning

Mobile Learning offers a great opportunity for learning on the go. You can learn across multiple contexts, through social and content interactions using your phone or tablet.

So, why should you consider this trend?

Research proves mobile learning boosts productivity by 43%. Moreover, the easy access to 5G and the technological enhancements in Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) encourage the production of content for mobile eLearning.

Video-Based Learning

As the name implies, video-based learning is a form of eLearning that utilizes video for educating the masses. This form has become quite popular due to many platforms because it’s easy and inexpensive to create and circulate.

In addition to being easily accessible on multiple devices anywhere and anytime, video based learning offers better results to learners. This is because videos are 9% easier to recall.


Gamification is a strategic attempt to motivate and engage the learners via games and fun activities. It’s currently one of the most attractive yet immersive ways of learning.

What probably adds to its popularity is its ability to deliver a unique and fun way of learning. For instance, eLearning can include elements such as an achievement system, user streaks tracking, and innovative quizzes and competitions.

Content Curation

Content curation is the process of gathering existing information (e.g. eBooks or social media post) and sharing them with learners. This is different from content creation which requires creating content from scratch.

Content curation has become a popular trend for many reasons. For learners, it offers enhanced social learning and filtered information for them to learn quickly. As for eLearning providers, it saves their time for developing eLearning material while repurposing previous texts or visuals.

Soft Skills

Soft Skills courses are highly in-demand. Skills like communication skills, leadership skills, and social intelligence can help advance learners’ careers by complementing their technical skills.

Therefore, it’s never too late to adopt this eLearning trend. And if you’re looking for a point to start from, here’s a list of some of the necessary skills learners want to pick.

Data Analytics

While not completely new, data analytics in eLearning is highly in demand. Basically, it uses data such as the progress of a trainee to leverage training outcomes. It also utilizes tools such as predictive analysis and machine learning to provide an in-depth evaluation of learners.

For eLearning content producers, this trend can provide insight into how learners interact with content, activities, etc. Therefore, they can improve the quality and impact of courses in the future.

Moreover, this can be offered as a feature for corporate training clients. This will prove valuable for their L&D departments since they gain visibility into learners’ progress and other important metrics.

Which of These eLearning Trends Are You Excited For?

Make sure to share which of these trends you think will truly make a difference in the comments below.

And if you’re up for exciting, accredited eLearning courses, make sure to check out our training catalog for inspiration.

About the Author

Fariha Fawad is the Digital Marketing Specialist at LearningCert. She is passionate of putting her thoughts into words. Her interest in research and writing keeps the audience up to date with the valuable information. Find her on LinkedIn.

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